Blogs, vlogs en podcasts

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Blogs, vlogs en podcasts

Kennis delen is belangrijk. We maken regelmatig blogs, vlogs en podcasts . Geef jouw kennis een energyboost.  Abonneer je op onze update en ontvang als eerste onze nieuwste publicaties.

With your face in the news

With your face in the news

It will happen to you: suddenly your company is in the news. And people come with questions. Staff involved. Suppliers. Or members of your association Sometimes even journalists. Who are sometimes trained to make you say the one-liners you don’t actually want in the paper. And yet you want to be transparent. In this blog, 17 (!) tips to prepare for that interview.

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To include or exclude video in an email

To include or exclude video in an email

Embedding a video in an email can be an attractive idea because it adds an interactive element that can engage recipients more effectively. However, there are both pros and cons to consider before you decide to embed a video in an email.

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How do you recruit candidates for your vacancy?

How do you recruit candidates for your vacancy?

A staffing agency has two main commercial sides: developing careers for professionals and providing quality staff to organizations. It is important to understand the unique needs of professionals and organizations. Companies and candidates are becoming more discerning. That requires personalized solutions. Fortunately, we can automate these well, reducing the workload for your intercessors and recruiters.

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A job posting is not a threatening letter

A job posting is not a threatening letter

The average company writes abysmally bad job ads. And most websites look like it’s especially not fun to join an organization.
If this does not apply to your business, you could skip this blog. You probably don’t have any major personnel problems. But there is a chance that you are still looking for good workers. And we can make sure that potential employees enjoy coming to talk to you.

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Diversity offers your business more opportunities!

Diversity offers your business more opportunities!

Diversity is vital for organizations. It not only helps solve staffing shortages, but also offers strategic benefits, such as better positioning to your target audience. By embracing diversity, you benefit from improved performance, innovation and customer satisfaction.

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A communication plan for startups

A communication plan for startups

A communication plan is essential for young entrepreneurs. It ensures consistent and authentic messages, strengthens internal communications, builds strong relationships and provides a solid approach during crises. Feedback and improvements will keep you growing and successful.

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Why do you make a communication plan?

Why do you make a communication plan?

A communications plan is essential for successful corporate communications. It ensures consistent and coherent messages, strengthens internal communications, builds strong external relationships and provides a solid approach during crises. Through feedback and continuous improvement, communication remains effective and targeted.

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The value of AI for business communications

The value of AI for business communications

Is it the holy grail for your corporate communications? Or does it flatten everything into unrecognizable boring propositions? In this blog, we share an article by Gys-Walt van Egdom and had Chat GPT write a response.

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How do you recruit good colleagues?

How do you recruit good colleagues?

We get the question more often: As my company grows (sometimes with our contribution), how do I get good people? For this we use the professional term “employer branding. 7 things you can do to recruit good colleagues.

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A communication plan in seven steps

We make marketing simple. Therefore, we are developing a matrix that you can use to create your own communication plan. With lots of advice and plenty of room to properly develop your plan for your product or service.

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Making margin? Differentiate your product!

Making margin? Differentiate your product!

Product differentiation. It’s a long word. Apologies. The definition is even slightly longer: “Differentiation is the act of distinguishing a product or service from that of its competitors.” We explain the value of product differentiation in this blog. Then you can judge whether it’s going to contribute to your bottom line.

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What type are you?

What type are you?

You communicate with your (internal) customers. You do that in your own way. It is good to have an understanding of your own attitude. Maybe even in the attitude of your interlocutor.

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Frodo’s customer journey

Frodo’s customer journey

An important question in acquisition: "What stage is my customer in?" It defines the content you need to deliver. In this regard, "The hero's journey" is a fine tool. He shows that people have different content needs at each stage. That goes for epic stories like the...

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Five questions for Roland van Dijke

Five questions for Roland van Dijke

During corona, supervising interns was quite a challenge. Fortunately, Roland van Dijke started at the end of the measures. So as a result, we were able to work a lot together and he finished his internship with a passing grade. That tasted like more, so Roland decided to make the last year of his studies “dual” by continuing to work with us. We welcome his fresh perspective. Time for five questions to our boxer from the Green Heart.

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Customer Factory 3.0

Customer Factory 3.0

As we do every January, we share our plans for the new year. Whereas December is the month of reflection and planning with us, January is the month of execution. We are again bursting with new plans. We are happy to share those with you.

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Consultants in the lead

Consultants in the lead

For consultants, sales training doesn’t work. Still, you want your consultants to communicate well with the client. Seeing opportunities. Making clients more beautiful and bigger.

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A marketing budget in five steps

A marketing budget in five steps

It’s the time of year as a marketer to convince your executive to invest in the company’s marketing efforts again next year. After all, you are convinced that your department contributes to the long-term success of your company and its products, now it’s a matter of convincing your colleagues of that as well.

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Taking good inventory is half the battle

Taking good inventory is half the battle

Everyone maintains customer relationships. Anyone? Yes, everyone! Everyone, both privately and professionally, comes into conversation with people you want to achieve something with. Whether it’s your partner, neighbor, a police officer, a colleague, a (potential) customer, if you want to achieve something with people you should always take stock of where their needs lie.

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The three Bs of brand perception – Awareness

Now that we’ve defined brand perception and shown what it brings to your organization, we’ll go into more detail on how to implement these three components. In doing so, we focus on practical tips that balance costs and results. This blog answers the question of how to increase your awareness.

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The three Bs of brand experience

The three Bs of brand experience

“It doesn’t matter what they say about you, as long as you are talked about.” It’s a comment you’ve probably heard before, hopefully from someone who doesn’t understand commerce.

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The five conditions for a brand promise

The five conditions for a brand promise

You adapt your product or service to the needs of the market. For many entrepreneurs, the entire market is too big a step, simply because it takes a lot of money behind it to reach the entire market. One way to get ahead of the part of the market that belongs to you is to communicate your brand promise.

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Now that we are our own principal for once

Now that we are our own principal for once

There are those moments when you experience how your clients feel when you put their new website live. In the months before, you will be busy together developing the strategy, working it out into images and talking a lot with clients and prospects.

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Blogging for dummies

Blogging for dummies

A blog is an important communication tool in B2B. I regularly, as part of commercial training, give people “blog-lessons,” so I thought it would be helpful to explain this part properly.

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4 free tools to find keywords

4 free tools to find keywords

Everyone who has a Web site wants to be found by the search engines. And that’s important too because search traffic is only growing. We find with many clients that they often can’t see the forest for the trees when it comes to search engine optimization. Using the right tools helps when you want to improve your website yourself. But what are the good tools?

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Five reasons why your secretary should not organize your event

Five reasons why your secretary should not organize your event

An important channel to connect with existing and new relationships is an event. Besides all the wonderful aspects of this event, there are some pitfalls you can fall into. Pitfalls that you avoid by having your event organized not by your secretary, but by an event professional. Five skills your secretary doesn’t have, but our event organizers do.

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Five steps to a content strategy.

Five steps to a content strategy.

Content marketing is an important part of companies’ communication strategy. Every business does content marketing. Sometimes without even noticing it themselves. Product sheets, project information, trade literature: They are all parts of your content marketing strategy. Apparently, as a business, it is important to offer quality content to help potential customers make a sound choice. But how do you create quality (unique) content and build an audience?

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The seven life stages of businesses

The seven life stages of businesses

Les McKeown identifies seven life stages in the life cycle of any organization. Once you get to Stage 4, you need to stay alert. The pendulum will always move to stage three or to stage five. In practice, the various management forces and egos are constantly fighting with each other. For example, the visionary and the maleputter want their freedom back and are trying to work the processor out. Therefore, make sure there is someone who can act as a connecting link in your team.

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6 Tips for a good content marketing plan

6 Tips for a good content marketing plan

These days, every marketer talks about content marketing. But why is content marketing important? What is good content? And what should you consider when creating a content marketing strategy? Based on these questions, I will explain how to simply develop a content marketing strategy.

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Trend research

Trend research

We conduct research on marketing trends within b2b. The purpose of the survey is to find out what challenges b2b companies have in the marketing field. The examination takes an average of 5 minutes. Busy loading...

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Value proposition in nine models

Value proposition in nine models

Changing times call for recalibrating your value proposition. Because if your business is fit for the future, it is also important to keep your product and market in balance. In this article, we describe the do’s and don’ts of value propositions, so that you can regain clarity on where you stand and what benefits can be gained.

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The next trend after SEO; marketing automation. What should we do with it?

The next trend after SEO; marketing automation. What should we do with it?

When we look at online marketing land, our Western friends in America are always a few steps ahead of us. We have several cultural differences with our neighbors on the other side of the ocean. Thus, they have extreme individualism, shouting to be the best is very effective and “the bigger the better” is the motto. Despite the cultural differences, we adopt almost all of their trends, although there are often several years in between.

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What is identity?

What is identity?

To tell a good story, you need to know what your organization is and what you stand for. For a good story, you need a clear corporate identity. But what is that your corporate identity? How can you find out?

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Tel: (070) 222 38 80


Customer Factory B.V.
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