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The Customer Factory Method

The most frequently asked question: how exactly do you guys do it? In this video, we answer.

A sales plan in ten steps.

An effective sales budget is critical to making other important business decisions that affect your sales team and business operations as a whole.

How to make better salespeople

In a previous article we described the problem that business owners often sell better than their staff members, In this blog we provide some solutions.

How do you achieve more quality appointments?

Many entrepreneurs have to deal with it. So how do we effectively organize as many quality appointments as possible? if The search to actually optimize appointment generation 100% is similar to the search for a top commercial programmer with excellent vision of marketing and image. Yet we can often go a long way by having experience with the market, knowledge of marketing & sales and by thinking logically.

What does Artificial Intelligence add to sales?

AI revolutionizes sales processes by analyzing data, generating valuable insights and enabling targeted marketing. It improves lead generation and qualification, automates tasks, improves customer service and predicts sales results. By using AI strategically, companies gain a competitive advantage, make data-driven decisions, increase efficiency and provide a personalized customer experience. The added value of AI in sales processes enables companies to achieve better results and thrive in a dynamic market.

Big brother is watching you

In the past, before the digital age, people were very fond of privacy. Nowadays, people just cry out loudly that they value their privacy.

Why is email marketing so effective? Here are 5 points

In recent years, many methods have been added to do your online and offline marketing. Let’s have it or 1 of the old online ways. Email marketing, among all the strategies companies use to sell online or generate leads (SEO, social media, content, ads, adwords, email), where do you think email marketing stands in its use and effectiveness? At the bottom? Or somewhere in the middle?

What kind of website do I need?

Many also think they are there then. They have a website so they are well marketed, right? No, generally they don’t know what kind of websites are out there and what kind of website best suits their industry.

Primal Brabant conviviality at Directors Network annual event ‘Shift Happens’

At the latest edition of the Directors Network annual event, we provided classic Brabant sausage rolls from Houben. Why? Watch the video!

Why do you make a communication plan?

A communications plan is essential for successful corporate communications. It ensures consistent and coherent messages, strengthens internal communications, builds strong external relationships and provides a solid approach during crises. Through feedback and continuous improvement, communication remains effective and targeted.

A new website in five steps

As with all communication tools within your organization, your website needs a new look from time to time. The world changes, your business changes, or you enter new markets. Time for a new website? We do that in a maximum of five steps!
