A good start to 2021

With all that has changed in the past year, a few things , thankfully, are permanent. For example, Christmas always falls on December 25 and 26, and the new (book) year begins on January 1. Older and wiser, after a tumultuous year, we start 2021 with great energy and ambition and, above all, with every effort to contribute to the success of our clients.
Auteur: Erik Camman
Categorie: News

As we enter the fourth year of Customer Factory, it is time to take the next steps. Where ‘thanks’ to Corona we had to adjust our 2020 plan quite a bit and make adjustments pretty much by the week for six months, our 2021 plan is a lot more flexible than ever.

Strategic consulting

We have learned that we are valued as much for our advice as for our execution. We are increasingly being asked for strategic support. This has implications for our internal organization and it results in our senior consultants becoming more prominent. It also results in connecting more senior consultants from our network, who have in-depth knowledge of our clients’ issues.

The Human Factor

In addition, we are increasingly working for organizations concerned with human development. Test developers, assessment agencies, training agencies and specialists in secondment and Recruitment & Selection make extensive use of the services of Klantenfabriek. We have, especially for these types of organizations, further adapted our services to their needs.

A new hotbed

We have used this year primarily, with our clients, to recalibrate our processes and further tailor our services. With that, Customer Factory is facing its fourth year of operation, where we will continue to experience growth in this year. In that plan, the need to connect new colleagues naturally arises. It prompted us to move our office to The Hague next year and seek more interaction with the city there. Thus, we make better use of our relationship with The Haage College, in a place where young and experienced people want to work.

Near and remote

In the background of everything we did in 2020, the Covid19 crisis murmurs. We started working more from home, turned our academy into an online academy and communicate with Zoom, Meet and Teams. It saves many miles of driving, makes meetings more efficient and above all teaches us to appreciate how nice it is to meet people “in real life.


All things considered and subtracted, we live in an era where much is changing and we have to shift gears, almost daily. I live in the belief that any change is cause for improvement, provided you put in the work yourself. I am very pleased with the agility of the colleagues and partners at Klantenfabriek, who respond quickly and adaptively to new situations. We wish everyone a fantastic 2021.

See you soon, spreeks, zooms,

The Customer Factory team

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HQ & Academy

Saturn Street 60/71
2516 AH The Hague
Tel: (070) 222 38 80


Customer Factory B.V.
Chamber of Commerce: 66789060
VAT: 856698076B01
Part of:
High Attention Group B.V.
