Medo Clean for 20 target groups

We developed a new website for Medo Clean in 2019. Because Medo Clean serves a number of markets with different buying motives, we prepared the site to differentiate those markets.

Making choices

An important choice in the development of this website was the premise that we wanted to address all target audiences in one place. That’s what the “Medo Clean for:” section is for. Based on one template, images and text can be adapted to the needs of the target audience.


For Medo Clean, we regularly create short videos for use on the website and on social media. We chose a format in which we took inspiration from series such as “How it’s made” to which we did add the answer to the question “What does it benefit the customer?”


Medo Clean’s target audience is active on LinkedIn. We aligned the presentation on this platform with the brand promise. In this campaign, we publish regular posts on the company page and invite target LinkedIn members to read and share posts. In addition to connections with potential customers, this is also where we maintain contact with industry stakeholders.

Improving your own LinkedIn profile? Register for our workshop.

Was dit voldoende informatie?

We deden ons best. We hopen dat je hebt gevonden wat je zocht. Als dat niet zo is beantwoorden we jouw vraag persoonlijk. Stel hem via ons contactformulier of whatsapp, dan krijg je per kerende post antwoord.

Meer projecten

KNRM Captain of Sales

KNRM Captain of Sales

On November 17, we participated in KNRM’s captain of sales. Goal: raise as much money as possible for KNRM’s heroes.

Hague Hat Challenge

Hague Hat Challenge

The Haagse Hoed Challenge is a 24-hour bike ride through characteristic The Hague with the goal of raising as much money as possible for the Daniel den Hoed Fund, which enables scientific research at the Erasmus MC Cancer Institute.

HQ & Academy

Saturn Street 60/71
2516 AH The Hague
Tel: (070) 222 38 80


Customer Factory B.V.
Chamber of Commerce: 66789060
VAT: 856698076B01
Part of:
High Attention Group B.V.
