Numansdorp Watersports Association

Associations must also move with the times. For the WSV Numansdorp, we worked on a new positioning and created the new website.

A new website

That’s usually the first question we get. But we want to get more questions. And definitely ask more questions. So before we could start this project, we wanted to know what the values of this association are now. And where it stands out from the other ports in the Zeeland Delta.

A port full of stories

The first thing we learned was that this small association has a beautiful history and its members have been through a lot. You sometimes run into a world circumnavigator here on the dock, or people making long trips along the European coast. Every ship has a story.

Logistically well located

We also learned that this is a great port for passersby sailing via the standing mast route between the IJsselmeer, Amsterdam Zeeland and Antwerp. With fine facilities, good shopping and pleasant hospitality.

No ‘vacation paradise’

Such positioning research is also about what it is not: It is not a “vacation paradise” with pools, discos and entertainment for the kids. Those looking for that must be further down the delta.


With all that information in our pockets, we started. And with the task of appealing to a somewhat younger audience, because an association regularly needs new members. So we chose a more modern writing style, imagery that appeals to young water sports enthusiasts and stories that fit the needs of (potential) members.


For such an association, a new website is always quite a project. Everyone thinks something about it, which makes you look for support a lot. And we found that. We now have a beautiful website that expresses what we want and that the content team is comfortable with.

Berend-Jan Bleeker

President, Numansdorp Watersports Association

Was dit voldoende informatie?

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