Customer case: Cosinta


Cosinta is the wholesaler of cosmetics for the professional user and, in relationship with its resellers, approaches the consumer market.


Provide a structured marketing strategy and execution appropriate to support our digital and analog efforts.


Cosinta is transforming from a traditional wholesaler to a modern supplier, working as a network organization on its own platform. Cosinta’s marketers must learn to use modern business communication tools and salespeople must develop into relationship managers, who seek a mutually profitable partnership with their customers.


We began by deploying Market Exploration software, which we used to analyze Cosinta’s total customer base. Based on this analysis, we translated the organization’s strategic objective into operational planning, which we execute with the marketers. Through regular feedback and touch points, marketers become more self-reliant.

To develop salespeople into relationship managers, we started a process of individual coaching and plenary sessions where we train sales skills. By becoming more aware of their position in relation to the customer and identifying market opportunities more quickly, revenue per customer should increase.


Through the guidance of Customer Factory, Cosinta’s employees have become more self-aware and the strategy has been translated into operations. This puts Cosinta in a position to focus more on results than effort and improves returns in this highly competitive market.

You begin a change in your company with a strategy, which you then invest in the organization step by step over a few years. Customer Factory’s tactical and operational support makes a valuable contribution to this. The direct supervision of our people, which the Customer Factory team shapes with great empathy, helps greatly in that transition.

Peter Luijkx

DGA, Cosinta Services B.V.

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HQ & Academy

Saturn Street 60/71
2516 AH The Hague
Tel: (070) 222 38 80


Customer Factory B.V.
Chamber of Commerce: 66789060
VAT: 856698076B01
Part of:
High Attention Group B.V.
